Thank you for your purchase of Ez-Architect.
If you have lost your key for any reason, you may issue a request on this page and an email will be sent to you with your key info.
PLEASE DO NOT do a retrieval request if you have a key and it is NOT working.
Here is why:
Your key will only work with the Ez-Architect version that you purchased it for.
It will not work with any other version.
If your key starts with: | it will only work with: |
738 | Version 4 |
962 | Version 5 |
189 | Version 6 |
139 | Version 7 |
234 | Version 8 |
225 | Version 9 |
If you have a key that isn’t working and you don’t have your original downloaded file, we invite you to upgrade to the most current version, here:
Upgrade (Laptop version) or here:
Upgrade (Tablet version)
Please enter the following information:
The data in our database are updated once each week by Monday morning. If you have just purchased (and lost your key), you will need to
contact us by phone or email.